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Prodi Elektro ITERA Sukses Gelar Studium Generale: Dr. Ardimas, Head of RnE eFishery, Bagikan Kisah Inspiratif & Inovasi Li-Fi dan AIoT

Pada hari Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2024, Program Studi Teknik Elektro ITERA sukses menyelenggarakan Studium Generale dengan tema "Key Take Away from My Journey to the World of AIoT and Li-Fi." Webinar yang dihadiri lebih dari 130 peserta ini berlangsung dari pukul 09:00 hingga sekitar 11:30 WIB melalui Zoom. Acara ini dikoordinatori oleh Ibu Nia Saputri Utami, S.T., M.T., dosen Prodi Teknik Elektro, dan dimoderatori oleh Rizky Henno, mahasiswa angkatan 2022.

Pembicara utama, Ardimas Andi Purwita, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., adalah seorang pakar di bidang AIoT dan Li-Fi, dengan pengalaman luas dalam akademisi dan industri, “an individual who brings together both academic and practial experience’. Ia adalah konsultan teknis untuk proyek 6G di UK dan Eropa, significant technical contributor di IEEE 802.11bb, serta pemegang paten di bidang Li-Fi. Saat ini, Dr. Ardimas menjabat sebagai Head of Research and Engineering di eFishery dan oftware lead di perusahaan sektor minyak dan gas.

Dr. Ardimas membagikan perjalanan karirnya mulai dari pendidikan S1 dan S2 di STEI ITB, riset di JAIST Jepang, hingga menyelesaikan S3 di Universitas Edinburgh. Ia bercerita tentang bagaimana keterlibatannya dalam berbagai kompetisi, konferensi internasional, serta hobinya dalam mengoprek komputer, FPGA, dan chip. Ia juga menekankan pentingnya kemampuan menulis yang baik dengan menggunakan LaTeX. Semasa S1 dan S2, ia dibimbing oleh Prof. Trio Adiono, yang dijuluki Bapak Chipset Indonesia.

Selama studi S2, Dr. Ardimas semakin mengasah keahlian teknisnya, aktif mengelola konferensi, dan menerbitkan karya di jurnal bergengsi seperti IEEE Transactions. Pengalaman internship dan bekerja sebagai peneliti di JAIST, di bawah bimbingan Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, inovator ulung, memperluas kemampuannya. Dr. Ardimas menekankan pentingnya memiliki mentor yang tepat untuk memaksimalkan potensi diri.

Saat S3 di Universitas Edinburgh, Dr. Ardimas dibimbing oleh Prof. Harald Haas, pionir teknologi Li-Fi. Di sini, ia mendalami integrasi AI dalam Li-Fi dan berhasil memegang paten AS terkait inovasi di bidang tersebut. Ia juga memanfaatkan kesempatan untuk bereksplorasi lebih jauh ke lapisan-lapisan teknologi yang lebih tinggi, melampaui fisik, dengan kontribusi signifikan pada pengembangan standar IEEE untuk Li-Fi. Selama kuliah ini Dr. Ardimas banyak mempublikasikan karya di jurnal papan atas dunia IEEE Transactions dan flagship conference, serta men-support start up pureLiFi. Dr. Ardimas menekankan pentingnya memilih topik yang sesuai dengan kita ingintkan, kemudian cari profesor terbaik di bidang tersebut. Rupanya kampus Dr. Ardimas di gedung Alexander Graham Bell yang juga menambah semangat bagaiman dahulu ilmuwan terkenal di dunia juga belajar di gedung yang sama.

Tidak hanya sukses di dunia akademik, Dr. Ardimas juga memiliki karir yang cemerlang di industri. Setelah menyelesaikan S3, ia sempat menjadi dosen di Binus selama pandemi, membimbing mahasiswa dalam berbagai kompetisi. Kemudian, ia bergabung di eFishery sebagai Head of Research and Engineering, mengembangkan inovasi di bidang AIoT. Ia memaparkan beberapa inovasi yang sudah dilakukan di eFishery, menyoroti solusi praktis untuk masalah industri.

Di akhir sesi, Dr. Ardimas menekankan pentingnya inovasi teknologi dan inovasi nilai (value innovation) untuk mencapai keunggulan kompetitif. Ia juga membahas strategi Blue Ocean dan pentingnya menyelesaikan masalah nyata dengan solusi yang berharga. Banyak mahasiswa, seperti Naufal Raidy, Muhammad Abdul Hafidzh, Elvindo, Rangga, Dahfa, dan Revlado, yang antusias bertanya tentang Li-Fi, AIoT, dan perjalanan karir Dr. Ardimas.

Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memotivasi mahasiswa Teknik Elektro ITERA untuk terus berinovasi dan berkontribusi dalam perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat.


On Saturday, October 12, 2024, the Electrical Engineering Study Program at ITERA successfully held a Studium Generale with the theme "Key Takeaways from My Journey to the World of AIoT and Li-Fi." The webinar, attended by more than 140 participants, took place from 9:00 AM to around 11:30 AM WIB via Zoom. The event was coordinated by Ms. Nia Saputri Utami, S.T., M.T., a lecturer from the Electrical Engineering Department, and moderated by Rizky Henno, a 2022 student.

The keynote speaker, Ardimas Andi Purwita, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., is an expert in the fields of AIoT and Li-Fi, with extensive experience in both academia and industry, “an individual who brings together both academic and practical experience.” He is a technical consultant for the 6G project in the UK and Europe, a significant technical contributor to the IEEE 802.11bb standard, and holds patents in the field of Li-Fi. Currently, Dr. Ardimas serves as the Head of Research and Engineering at eFishery and is a software lead at a company in the oil and gas sector.

Dr. Ardimas shared his career journey, starting from his undergraduate and master's education at STEI ITB, research at JAIST Japan, and completing his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh. He spoke about his involvement in various competitions, international conferences, and his hobby of tinkering with computers, FPGA, and chips. He also emphasized the importance of strong writing skills, particularly using LaTeX. During his undergraduate and master's studies, he was mentored by Prof. Trio Adiono, known as the Father of Indonesian Chipset.

During his master's studies, Dr. Ardimas further honed his technical expertise, actively managing conferences, and publishing work in prestigious journals like IEEE Transactions. His internship and research experience at JAIST, under the mentorship of the renowned innovator Dr. Eng. Khoirul Anwar, expanded his skills. Dr. Ardimas emphasized the importance of having the right mentor to maximize personal potential.

While pursuing his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh, Dr. Ardimas was supervised by Prof. Harald Haas, the pioneer of Li-Fi technology. Here, he delved into the integration of AI in Li-Fi and secured a U.S. patent related to innovations in the field. He also explored higher layers of technology beyond the physical layer, making significant contributions to the development of IEEE standards for Li-Fi. During this time, Dr. Ardimas published extensively in top-tier journals such as IEEE Transactions and flagship conferences, while also supporting the start-up pureLiFi.

Not only did Dr. Ardimas excel in academia, but he also built a successful career in industry. After completing his Ph.D., he became a lecturer at Binus University during the pandemic, guiding students in various competitions. Later, he joined eFishery as the Head of Research and Engineering, driving AIoT innovations. He highlighted several practical solutions for industry challenges that have been developed at eFishery.

In the closing session, Dr. Ardimas emphasized the importance of both technological innovation and value innovation to achieve competitive advantages. He also discussed the Blue Ocean strategy and the need to solve real-world problems with valuable solutions. Many students, such as Naufal Raidy, Muhammad Abdul Hafidzh, Elvindo, Rangga, Dahfa, and Revlado, enthusiastically asked questions about Li-Fi, AIoT, and Dr. Ardimas' career journey.

This event is expected to inspire and motivate ITERA Electrical Engineering students to continue innovating and contributing to the rapidly advancing field of technology.

Prodi Elektro ITERA Sukses Gelar Studium Generale: Dr. Ardimas, Head of RnE eFishery, Bagikan Kisah Inspiratif & Inovasi Li-Fi dan AIoT